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Internet Explorer 10

Internet Explorer 10
Internet Explorer 10(IE10) is a version of the Internet Explorer web browserreleased by Microsoft in 2012, and is the default browser in Windows 8. IE10 expands on Internet Explorer 9 functionality with regard to CSS3 support, hardware acceleration, and HTML5 support.
On 12 April 2011, Microsoft released the first "IE10 Platform Preview", which runs only on Windows 7and later. While the second platform preview was also available for Windows 7 and later, the next four platform previews ran only on Windows 8. The first preview release came four weeks after the final release of Internet Explorer 9. IE10 reached general availability on 4 September 2012 as a component of Windows Server 2012. A preview of IE10 for Windows 7 was made available for download in November 2012.
On 26 February 2013, Internet Explorer 10 was made available for download to all Windows 7SP1 users.
On Windows 8, it is divided into two editions with different user interfaces: a Metroapp that does not support plug-insand a traditional desktop application that retains plug-in support. On 64-bit computers, the Metro edition runs in 64-bit mode by default. The desktop edition can be run in 64-bit mode by enabling Enhanced Protected Mode.

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